Step 2

Neurology 12

A 68-year-old man presents to his primary care physician for a follow up visit to discuss increased falls over the last eight months. Prior work-up demonstrated no abnormalities on complete blood count, complete metabolic panel, or computed tomography of the head. Prior physical examinations have demonstrated a bilateral pill rolling tremor, cogwheel rigidity, and shuffling gait, all of which are slightly progressed at this visit from the patient’s last visit two months ago. The physician suggests a trial of levodopa-carbidopa therapy.

Based on the patient’s most likely diagnosis, which of the following neurotransmitter derangements is most likely present?

  • A) Decreased acetylcholine in the basal nucleus of Meynert
  • B) Decreased norepinephrine in the locus ceruleus
  • C) Increased acetylcholine in the basal nucleus of Meynert
  • D) Increased dopamine in the ventral tegmentum/substantia nigra
  • E) Increased norepinephrine in the locus ceruleus


Alexandra Conway


Dr. Ted O'Connell

Last updated

Aug 25, 2024

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