Step 1

Embryology 7

A nine-month-old infant is brought to the pediatrician by her mother for a routine well child visit. The patient’s mother has no current concerns about the infant’s health. The prenatal and birth history are unremarkable. Past medical history is significant for poor weight gain in the first month of life which resolved with formula supplementation in addition to breastfeeding. Developmental milestones were normal for age at the 6-month well child visit. Vital signs are within normal range. Physical examination reveals an alert infant who is sitting in her mother’s lap. There are no abnormalities noted on physical examination.

Which of the following new developmental milestones has most likely developed since the patient’s last visit at six months of age?

  • A) Babbles sounds like “ga” and “ma”
  • B) Identifies at least two body parts
  • C) Keeps head steady when held in a sitting position
  • D) Squats to pick up an object
  • E) Uses “Dada” or “Mama” nonspecifically


Alexandra Conway


Dr. Ted O'Connell

Last updated

Aug 14, 2024

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